Join the top 1% of experts

Platform with online courses in the field of Performance Design

Not every job is worth the same.

Unfortunately, not every job has equal value for business.Based on the Smile Curve chart (below), you can assess how your current work translates into the end result.

The time spent does not directly translate into the value you generate in the business.Providing 10 new buyers will satisfy your customer more than a nice video on the homepage.

If you want to profit from your creativity, you need to learn how to use design tools to create business value.

Each company is able to pay $20,000 for generating sales of $80,000.

The goal of Nueve (Model 9K) is to create educational materials that will allow you to jump from being a “clicker” to being an “expert”.

Yes, we rely on designer materials, but the purpose of our materials is different from similar platforms. We don't focus on creating beautiful graphics on Behance, but on delivering a measurable result for your client.

Start working like the top 1% of experts and focus on results, not materials.

You need extensive knowledge to become an expert

The best product designers do not specialize in just one area. Creating beautiful graphics won't get you far without the ability to lay out a user path, conduct research, or even collaborate with developers.

Nueve was created to give you a solid foundation to develop all the competencies necessary to achieve great success in business.

Most actionable knowledge you can find on internet

Hi, my name is Stan Świątkiewicz.

I'm a IT guy who worked with global brands such as Bosch, Mattel Creations (Barbie) or VF corp (Vans, Timberland etc).

I started my career as a programmer. Later I was a UX designer. I am currently a product manager. Being present at all product positions allowed me to understand which aspects of the designer are crucial to the success of the product, and how the collaboration between these professionals should proceed.

Nueve was created to give you the opportunity to take a big step forward and meet people with whom you can grow.